I’m thrilled to be sharing my very first blog! Writing publicly has long been a dream of mine, but for years, I’ve stumbled over self-imposed limits and excuses. Now, I’m ready to step beyond them and introduce myself to you.

My name is Emina, and like you, I am a consciousness clothed in flesh, navigating the journey of life. I’ve been fortunate to travel widely and now live in the U.S., where I work among the collective. My mission is to guide those ready to explore deeper awareness and tap into their Higher States of Consciousness. Through this work, I founded Yin Yang Healing Arts, a wellness center dedicated to holistic practices that target body, mind, and soul wellness.

What is Kundalini Energy?

Kundalini is the life force energy that flows through every living being. It is closely aligned with Reiki, the Japanese hands-on energy healing technique that works to awaken the chakras, nadis, and meridians within the body, sparking spiritual clearings and awakenings. Though everyone holds this energy within, nestled at the base of the spine, not everyone is familiar with its divine potential.

I have been blessed to work with this energy, remaining disciplined as an instrument of light and peace. This energy vibrates naturally through me, beyond my control, and as it flows through me, it also moves energetically through you—especially through Reiki—on a profound cellular level. The transmission of energy is simple and direct; those who are meant to receive healing will do so for their highest good. Healing through Kundalini can be life-changing, creating positive shifts in all areas of one’s life.

My Unique Approach

I do not follow any specific lineage or sacred texts, nor do I attach myself to any particular guru. For me, all that exists is simply a manifestation of Divine Consciousness. Guided by Kundalini, I’ve drawn inspiration from various teachings, including the works of Eckhart Tolle, Yogi Bhajan, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, and the Prophets of the Books—especially Jesus, the man before the Divine Transmutation, and Mary Magdalene. These influences have shaped the foundation of my practice and deepened my understanding of energy and healing

Awakening My Healing Gifts

A few years ago, I met a beloved friend who awakened something profound within me. Since that moment, my entire reality has shifted, opening me fully to my gifts and the practice of healing. In gratitude for this presence, I now embrace my role as a healer, sharing the divine gifts of energy and light with those who seek healing and alignment.

I am beyond excited and deeply blessed to share my presence and healing gifts with those who cross my path. The divine light within me honors the divine light within you. Thank you for taking the time to read my words.

Be well, and Namaste.


Massage is Self Love